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LASER HAIR REMOVALWant to Get Rid of Unwanted Hair? Then Consider Intense Pulsed Light

If you find yourself tired of shaving and think waxing is more pain than you are willing to bare, then laser hair removal is the perfect solution for you. Laser hair removal is a safe way to remove unwanted hair from your face and body. Call A New You Aesthetic Spa for your next laser hair removal treatment.


Intense pulsed light is a powerful tool that has been utilized by professionals to do anything from hair removal to treating acne scars. The device uses a specific spectrum of light that can target key structures and hair follicles within the body. This keeps the device from damaging other parts of the skin and instead destroys only what the patient needs to be destroyed. There are other benefits to using this laser hair removal technique, too. For one, it's non-invasive. So, you have a quick recovery time. You also won't have to shave for a long time. Remove unwanted hair by calling A New You Aesthetic Spa today.

Before and After


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