Emsculpt Neo
Body Sculpting Treatment
in Oxford, MI
Build the Body You Desire
Even with dieting and regular exercise, it can be a struggle to achieve the results you want. Our team at A New You wants to help you look and feel your best, so we offer body sculpting solutions to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
Emsculpt Neo is a body sculpting treatment in Oxford, MI that offers effective support in reducing fat and building muscle that goes beyond what you can achieve on your own at the gym. Emsculpt Neo also comes without the costs and complications of surgery.
Increase Muscle, Burn Fat
Emsculpt Neo is a non-invasive body sculpting treatment that uses a combination of HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic) technology and radio frequency. Using both of these methods, our team can help you build muscle, reduce fat, and tighten the skin, when other treatment options might only be able to provide results in one area at a time.
The radio frequency energies heat the area, which reduces fat. At the same time, the HIFEM technology stimulates deep muscle contractions, causing your muscles to grow stronger and more defined, leaving your body looking fit and toned.
As a combination treatment, Emsculpt Neo is effective and time saving, and requires zero downtime afterwards. After your visit, you can go about your day already enjoying the benefits.
Emsculpt Neo creates visible, lasting results. Check out the photos below to see the changes this beneficial treatment offers.
Discover the body of your dreams with Emsculpt Neo.
Visit our office for a consultation today to learn about the possibilities with this body sculpting treatment in Oxford, MI!